Ty Barrett

Ty Barrett

Ty Barrett

Dr. Barrett has an extensive background in organizational management and specializes in behavioral change management. In addition, he was a major contributor to the Health Disparities Research Group at Teachers College, Columbia University wherein he focused on developing culturally appropriate prevention interventions specific to marginalized, hard to reach, and hidden populations. Most notably, he extensively researched sexually compulsive men who have sex with men (MSM) and explored their potential for engaging in peer education activities to abate unprotected sexual activity with men and women. The impetus of his research was to avert further proliferation of HIV/AIDS infection.

Dr. Barrett intends to pursue teaching opportunities to educate others on health policy reform with emphasis on LGBTQ issues. In addition, he plans to achieve licensing as a counselor to address mental health concerns of this population. He envisions this new knowledge on health policy as optimally supporting his ambitions and expanding his body of research on the LGBTQ community and HIV/AIDS. He is adamant about social justice as it pertains to marginalized and hidden populations and health. Specifically, his mission is to shift the prevailing cultural norms that present adverse actions, attitudes, and stigma with respect to fair and equal access to medical treatment and care for these populations.


Dr. Barrett earned his doctorate and master degrees from Columbia University and a bachelor degree from Tufts University.